
A list of short posts.

Bitter ignorance
So foolish
Spicy ignorance
Impulsivity attacks you

Tasteless ignorance
Ignorance spared


In my opinion,
Values cannot be taught by teachers. Values are the teachers themselves, and cannot be implemented.
Values are inside everybody. 
It takes two hands to clap. How values work in a man , is how a man chooses for it to work. Everybody has values. 
Everybody has values, and values can only be manifested. 
Not taught. 
Not taught, so dont try and implement values. Open them in people. 
Teach them to clap. But clapping takes initiative too, and in learning , it take two hands to clap.

Clap loudly for others to hear.
Followers will follow
Leaders will lead

Hope leaders know how to clap

humourous severities

Humour is laughing. Laughing is enjoyable and can be done with everyone. It is sparked by something funny. And something funny, is humour
Severity is the seriousness of a case.Being serious is being focused. Being focused is being controllable , is managing impulsivity, is being educated.(If used for the right ways)

Once, I discussed with my friend about serious issues and we thought that doing homework in a graduation party was cool.


I made a new friend today

Your senses cannot detect 
It, no matter how intellect
Your emotions cannot affect 
But in your will, you may produce effects
Your argument cannot attract 
It,though your persuasion may 
Your group cannot crowd, for
This defeats it's purpose

An conversation no longer exists
A friendship no longer resists
Now after they all go home 
You find yourself alone
What do you feel
You are solitude's companion
But such an oxymoron forces you
To accept solitude in yourself.

I have expanded my playground!

The chatbox's only a swing



Lets see them lose the race to 6 year olds.
Lets see them lose the race with a smile
Lets see them lose the race with uncoordinated, ugly c
Lets see them lose the race with an ignorance of the loss
Lets see them lose the race with the belief that they have won

Lets see them be overtaken, by themselves.

Step in but I'm aint expecting that

1.No blog frequency
2.Everything in my opinion
3.I dont expect you to read

Respect is taken for granted
If you dont know what respect is, fool around and you'll know.

I am going by the psydoneum Pete